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     Karisma 2001

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For some strange reason and a despite the risk , human have always longed to fly. Two men were the brother Joseph and Etiene Moutgolfier. They invented a flying machine – the hot-air ballon.

Joseph and Etiene lived in a small French town called Annonay. In 1782, they discovered that hot – air made a lightweight paper bag rise. After many experiments they built a much large ballon made of cloth and paper that would lift them high above the ground. To heat the air to make the ballon rise, they lit a five of straw and wool under the mouth of the ballon.

In 1783, the villagers were amazed to see the hot – air ballon rising up into the air over the roof tops. It was carried by the wind and landed one and a half kilometers away.

                    What’s the new of the day,
                    Good neighbor. I pray?
                    They say the ballon
                    Has gone up to the moon.

The news of the Montogolfier brother’s experiments traveled fast and soon they were off to Paris to demonstrate their wonderful flying machine.

In September 1783, the first passenger to be carried over the Paris. To everyone’s  surprise they were not people but a goat, a crekerel and a duck. It was a very successful flight and only one of the animals was slightly injured – the goat flustered and trod on the crekerel’s wing and broke it.

A couple of month later, the first people went on the hot – air ballon trip. There was great excitement in Paris on the special occasion and great crowd gathered to ware them off.  The two passengers were so astonished by the birds eye view of paris, then they forgot to look after the fire and the ballon almost went up inflames. The hot – air ballon proved to be popular and for many years after they were called Montgolfiers, after the two brothers.


Written by,
Dilla  (4 korporat 1996)  


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